I grew up in a very loving home with many rules and protection from the world. When I became an adult, I had very few skills on how to function effectively in the outside world. I went along with what people thought I should be doing – studying, getting a job and having a family, even though I didn’t really know who I was or what I wanted out of life.
My second son was born with special needs and did not fit into any of society’s boxes about how children should behave or learn. He truly inspired me to find answers on how to parent and educate him effectively. On that journey, I discovered so much more than how to parent my children, I discovered myself!
I was determined to get my son into mainstream school because then I would be happy or be a good mom. I consulted many different therapists, psychologists, paediatricians, neurologists. While all these specialists helped, I came to realise that my son was never going to a mainstream - this is where my true journey began.
So often we think that our external environment, our physical circumstances and the people in our lives determine our happiness and worth. I realised that I had to find a way to be happy and successful in spite of my challenges.
I studied and completed my training in EFT(Emotional Freedom Techniques) levels 1,2 and 3 and I am now a certified level 2 EFT practitioner. I have also completed my training in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and life coaching, and I am a certified NLP Practitioner and NLP life coach. Everything I had tried up to this point focused on how to improve behaviour on the outside while these techniques focus on what drives human behaviour – our emotions and our needs.
I used these techniques to become more aware of what was driving both my children’s behaviour and mine. I realised the huge impact I had on their potential. Applying my new skills on a daily basis to find solutions has been an extremely rewarding experience and I have had great success personally and with both my sons.
My new-found skills made such a huge difference in my own life, that I decided to start a business focused on developing awareness in parents on how a few skills can make a huge difference to their child’s potential and happiness and their own. My personal experiences have made me very passionate about sharing my ideas and solutions with other parents.
Through this journey, I have taken all the valuable insights and learning from many sources and consolidated these into all-in-one training programmes and workshops to make it easier for parents and teachers to find the answers they are looking for. My workshops for parents and teachers have all received very positive feedback.
I have over ten years of experience and success in applying these techniques to children’s learning and behaviour.